Monday, September 12, 2011

Where are Chris and Pete? 9/12/11

One year ago today I was completing my first Ironman race. I know that has nothing to do with this blog, but that was a huge day for me - one I won't soon forget.

Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled with onion, topped with guacamole, V8
Snack: carrots and hummus
Lunch: B.A.S (Big Arse Salad), spinach, spring mix, hard boiled egg, tomato, cuke, red pepper, avocado, Kalua pork, balsamic dressing (I am so full)!!
Seriously debating on a piece of that dessert I made with a nice cup of coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I managed to resist having the dessert, but I did have a BIG cup of coffee with flavored cream.

Snack: Mariani bar
Dinner: Grilled Italian Sausages (2) with sauteed onions and mushrooms, and sauteed eggplant and tomato.


  1. I was wondering where they were too!!

    You brought dessert home with you! That's the WORST!!!

  2. Yea, the recipe made TWO 8 x 13 pans!!!!

  3. Michele - Ironman - seriously you're a rockstar! I want to be like you when I grow up!!!

  4. LOL, thanks Chris! You and Pete are awesome - keeping up with your workouts and Paleo with 2 little ones is amazing. I give so much credit to you guys and Amanda.
