Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Michele's Still Resisting Dessert - 9/13/11

Today's goal is to make sure I drink my water! Looked at the clock yesterday at 4:00pm and realized I had not drank any water! NOT GOOD!

Post WOD: Coffee and mariani bar
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, turkey, V8
Snack: Coffee and mariani bar
Lunch: Lunch today turned into my "cheat" day. This was decided as I looked at the menu at the restaurant we went to. Actually it wasn't that bad. I got the soup and salad bar, so my cheat items were potato salad (German style, so no mayo at least), tuna that had mayo, a spoonful of rice crackers, a hunk of brie and I HAD to have these little crispy won-ton things with my chili (I did not eat the beans)! Otherwise I had salad with tomatoes, cukes, peppers, onions, etc.
**The dessert is almost gone. The guys at the office are actually fighting over it and want me to make another batch. Question is, can I handle the temptation for round 2??

Post bike ride: Some chocolate Balance bar I found in my bag! Oh, I did have some sport beans and a gel on the ride!

Dinner: Had to take a pic of this one cause it looked really nice. And it actually tasted good. Almond crusted, stuffed chicken breasts. Recipe is at I made a few modifications - I didn't have spinach and didn't have time to stop at the commissary so I used kale instead. I also added a little shredded parmesan and asiago cheese. I've noticed quite a few Paleo recipes incorporate cheese!! Also had a salad of mixed greens, orange peppers, tomatoes and onions with a little bit of olive oil, balsamic vinegar and fresh ground pepper (this is becoming my favorite salad dressing.
Snack: The rest of the popcorn from the other night.

OK, so here's MY RANT for the week. I can drink water ALL day, no problem. But at night I want something with flavor. I should probably make some iced tea, but just haven't got around to it. So I've started putting the True Lime powder in my water, it helps but it's just not a glass of wine or a beer! Any and all suggestions welcome.


  1. I use to not have a sweet tooth, but now I do. Now especially while eating Paleo I find that I want sweets even more.

  2. Good job resisting the desserts....there are some cookies on the counter and I am still resisting them. I have always craved sweet stuff....but I think what I miss most is chips (tortilla) to dip in stuff and crackers (with cheese)....

  3. We have never been a "dessert" household, but when I am on Paleo I crave something sweet as soon as I finish dinner. Normally a glass of wine or beer takes care of it! :-)

    I miss chips too - any way, shape or form - again, I'm a carb whore!
