Friday, September 9, 2011

Amanda's Food 9 Sept

Pre-WOD: (I was starving last night before bed but couldn't find anything I wanted) I was still starving when I woke up... Mariani Bar and coffee
PostWOD/Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled with pico
Lunch (with a friend): Chick fil A 12 pack nuggets (I know....); fruit cup; side cole slaw (which 1/2 way through I determined had sugar in it and stopped eating it). Unsweetened Iced Tea.
Snack: Spark; cashews
Dinner: going to Potomac Point Winery tonight with the I have mentally rehearsed doing well and have looked at the menu so hoping no one is a bad influence:) I'll keep you posted!

OK so.....I probably had 3-4 glasses of wine over the 4 hour period we were there. I chose the wines with the lowest sugar content. I had a crabcake, asparagus and garden salad with vingerette- so I did well. BUT there was bite size bread and olive oil for dipping and did indulge (oops) in a few small pieces and I ate a bite of my friends Tiramasu. So this is the tricky part for me. Does everyone indulge sometimes or do Paleo people really never indulge?

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear how it was! Not just the food, the wine too!
